> (a first attempt to post seemed to go into a black hole ... try again ...)
> The figured bass support in lilypond (wonderful!) is a little tricky to use
> for three reasons:
> 1) The figures have to be entered in the reverse order (that is a six-four
> chord is entered <4 6>). Of course, this assumes that you do call it 
> that and
> not a four-six chord, but I *think* is universally so.

In dutch, <<c' f' a' >> (absolute pitches) is called a 4-6 chord, not
6-4; that's what you mean, right?  I'm not sure about the proper names
in English.

Can you do some more research to find out what is the Right Way?

I've added #'direction for the BassFigure grob, so you can the
stacking direction. (1.7 cvs)

> The last problem is easily fixed:
> \property FiguredBass.BassFigure \override #'font-relative-size = #-3
> just before the figures does the trick.

I've added this to scm/grob-description.scm


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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