I wonder whether a patch similar to

  * lily/stem.cc (position_noteheads): rounding error robustness.

(from 2004-01-25) can fix the problem with incorrectly positioned
rhythmic dots -- you told me that you can't repeat the problem.



% This file shows problems with rhythmic dots in smaller staves.
% CVS 2004-03-21 17:12 MET.
% . The algorithm for computing position of rhythmic dots sometimes
%   produces wrong results.
%   This is a severe bug.

\version "2.1.32"

\score {
    \new Staff \with {
      fontSize = #-4
      \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -4)
    \notes \relative c' {
      <d f>4. <d f> <e g>4 |
    \new Staff
    \notes \relative c' {
      <d f>4. <d f> <e g>4 |

  \paper {
    raggedright = ##t


<<inline: dots.png>>

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