Hi all,
in my example if I rip off the

\with {  \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
   \consists "Completion_heads_engraver" }

lyrics is placed correctly, otherwise every note of the system (no matters
 the voice lyricsto refers to and ties/slurs are discarded) fire up a

I think it's a bug, i wish i didn't make any syntax mistake in my input

Marco Gusy

<<inline: maria_mag.png>>

\header {
    title = "Maria Magdalene"
    composer = "Andrea Gabrieli"

\version "2.3.18"

#(set-global-staff-size  15 )


        \context StaffGroup <<
                \context Voice = soprani  \with {
                        \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
                        \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
                        } { \key bes \major \clef violin \time 2/2 s1}
                \context Lyrics = txtsoprani { s1}
                \context Voice = alti   \with {
                        \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
                        \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
                        } { \key bes \major \clef violin   s1}
                \context Lyrics = txtalti {  s1}

                \context Voice = "soprani" {
                        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
                        \override Score.BarNumber   #'padding = #3
                        \set Staff.instrument = "Soprani" 
                                \relative c'{
                                        f2 bes2.
                                        bes4 bes d
                                        c2 bes
                                        r4 bes d4. d8
                                        c4 f ees2
                                        bes2 bes4 a
                                        bes c d2
                                        r2 r4 c
                                        bes a g f 
                                        bes c4. bes8 bes2(
                                        a4) bes1.
                } % Staff
                \context Voice = "alti" {
                \set Staff.instrument = "Contralti"
                        \relative c'{
                                f2 g2.
                                g4 g bes
                                a2 g4 c,
                                g'4. g8 f4 d
                                f2. c4
                                g'2 g4 d
                                ees f g f
                                d f d8( bes c d
                                ees d f4 d c8 bes
                                c2 d)
                                r4 bes ees4. ees8
                } % Staff
        \lyricsto "soprani"  \context Lyrics = txtsoprani   {
                Ma -- ri -- a Mag -- da -- le -- ne, et al -- te -- ra Ma -- ri -- a
                i -- bant di -- lu -- cu -- lo ad mo -- nu -- men -- tum,
                ad mo -- nu -- men -- tum
        }  % Lyrics
        \lyricsto "alti"  \context Lyrics = txtalti   {
                Ma -- ri -- a Mag -- da -- le -- ne, et al -- te -- ra Ma -- ri -- a
                i -- bant di -- lu -- cu -- lo ad mo -- nu -- men -- tum,
                Ma -- ri -- a
        }  % Lyrics


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