Jonathan Walther writes:

> Finale did add shaped note support to their product for a reason; the
> market was there!

That may or may not be so, but that is irrelevant.  LilyPond is free
software, things work a bit differently over here.  If enough users want a
feature, surely one of them can implement it and send a patch.  If
none of them wants to do that, they can raise some money to pay for
the feature to get it implemented.

> We North Americans do preserve some items of history that Europe has
> shed.  Do not discriminate against us on that account.

If you look at it this way, you see that ones to discriminate most
against North Americans are the potential users of the shaped note
feature.  Until now, that potential user base has not been able to
either produce a patch, to raise enough money or to produce enough
moral pressure for a non-shapist to implement it.

To name just one example, I guess that fret diagrams are wanted by
even more people, yet it is only now in the process of being

My guess is that most if not all useful features will be added to
LilyPond sooner or later.  It will be sooner if you help.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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