Hi guys,

Sorry to bother you again.
While converting Mutopia's Scheidemanns Praeambulum no.3 in d (I'm using
2.2.5 on cygwin, as you will probably know already ;-)) I ran into something
strange. It is a piece with a pianostaff and an additional staff below it (i
assume it shows the notes for the pedal, but I'm not an expert on this) In
the old version the pedal notes are shown below the pianostaff, but after
conversion (using convert-ly) the pedal notes are shown above it. I cannot
see anything wrong with the file, but it might be that I'm overlooking
something trivial. If nothing is wrong I assume that it's a bug in 2.2.5 and
the question is then: is it solved already in some later version?
If the latter is the case I will retry it once I switched over to a newer

BTW. I have this problem with 5 Mutopia pieces at the moment (four of them
Scheidemanns pieces and one a piece of Ritter).


Ruud van Silfhout
% Updated to Lilypond 2.2.5 by Ruud van Silfhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% Last changed on 25/Nov/2004
\version "2.2.5"

\header {
  filename = "HSpre3.ly"
  title = "Praeambulum no.3 in d"
  opus = "WV 31"
  source = "Baerenreiter"
  composer = "Heinrich Scheidemann (ca. 1595-1663)"
  copyright = "Public Domain"
  mutopiatitle = "Praeambulum no.3 in d"
  mutopiacomposer = "Heinrich Scheidemann (ca. 1595-1663)"
  mutopiaopus = "WV 31"
  mutopiainstrument = "Organ"
  style = "Renaissance"
  copyright = "Public Domain"
  maintainer = "Tim Knigge"
  maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  lastupdated = "2001/December/1"

  tagline = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of
 the Mutopia project, \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been ty
peset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".\\\\Unrestricted mo
dification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and 
share it!}"
  footer = "Mutopia-2001/12/01-132"

#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\include "nederlands.ly"

\paper {
  indent = 0
%  interscorelinefill = 5.0\pt

global = \notes {
  \time 4/4
  \skip 1*19
  \bar "|." |

soprano = \context Voice=one \notes \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"

  d1~ |
  d4  e8[ fis] g4 a |
  bes2. a4 |
  g2 g~ |
  g4 g f  g8[ f] | %5
  e2 a~ |
  a4  g8[ a] b2~ |
  b4 a a2~ |
  a4 a  gis8[ a fis gis] |
  a1 | %10
  r4 a4 a g |
  f4. e8 d2 |
  r4 d'4 d c |
  bes4. a8 g4 f |
  e d d2~ | %15
   d8[ cis16 d]  e8[ d]  cis[ b] cis4 |
  d1~ |
  d |
  d |

alto = \context Voice=two \notes \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"

  a1 |
  bes2. c4 |
  d1 |
  d |
  d2 d~ | %5
  d4 d cis  b8[ cis] |
  d1 |
  c2 d |
  e2. d4 |
  cis4 e e d | %10
  c4. b8 a4  b8[ cis] |
  d4  a8[ g] f4  g8[ a] |
  bes2 a |
  r4 d4 d c |
  bes a g2 | %15
  a2.  a8[ g] |
  fis4 a bes2~ |
  bes4  a8[ bes] a4 g |
  a1 |

tenor = \context Voice=three \notes \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"

  fis1 |
  g2 d~ |
  d4  e8[ fis] g4 a |
  bes1 |
  a | %5
  a2. g4|
  fis2 g4 f |
  e2 a4 b |
  c2 b |
  a4. b8 c4 b | %10
  a4. g8 f4 e |
   d8[ e f g] a4 r4 |
  r4 g fis2 |
  g4. a8 bes4 a |
  g f e d | %15
  f2 e |
  d4 fis g2~ |
  g4  fis8[ g] fis4 e |

bass = \context Voice=four \notes \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"

  d1 |
  g,1~ |
  g2. fis4 |
  g a bes c|
  d1 | %5
  a |
  d2 g, |
  a f |
  e1 |
  a1 | %10
  r1 |
  r4 d4 d c |
  bes  a8[ g] d'2 |
  g,1 |
  g2 bes | %15
  a1 |
  r4 d4 g,2 |
  d'1 |
  d, |

\score {
    \context GrandStaff <<
    \context PianoStaff <<
        \set PianoStaff.followVoice = ##t
	\context Staff = treble << 
	\context Staff = bass <<
	\context Staff = bass <<
    \midi {
      \tempo 4 = 90
    \paper { linewidth = 19.0\cm }
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