> On Thursday 14 April 2005 21.31, Stephen wrote:
> > In the example, '\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1' creates the problem. I


> > don't see why the numbering is reset there other than to remove the number
> > from that bar because it collides with the mark "D". There must be another
> > way to suppress the bar number at that bar.
> It also changes the numbering of all subsequent bars. I don't know the 
> author's intent in this case (I didn't write that snippet), but I guess it 
> could be something like an attaca movement.

Yes. The bigger picture is H. Purcells opera "Dido & Æneas":


I did not like idea of big bar number, like 543.
I think it is better with aria/movement 23, bar 25.

> > However, I fixed it by setting the accidental style to 'forget'. See? there
> > is already a way to do it.

*No*, the forget does not work for:
 act 1, aria 13, bar  6 Violin II: the b is shown with natural
 act 1, aria 13, bar 11 Violin  I: the f is shown with natural
Elsewhere yes, but not for theese two notes.

I don't know how to solv theese.
If I put another f before bar 11 for V1, that f gets the natural.
It seems that the first f, in this case, gets the natural, and I
tried to insert a \hideNote f \unHideNote, but it was still visible.

Btw, I solved the issue for the other places by starting each aria like:

  \set Score.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #begin-of-line-visible
  \set Score.printKeyCancellation = ##f
  \key c \minor

when the previous part already was in c minor.

It would be nice if I could write:

  \key c \minor \music02
  \key c \minor \music03
  \key c \minor \music04
  \key c \minor \music05

and the key-engraver only shows the key signature when it *changes*.
I tried hack around in lily/key-engraver.cc and doing things like
if (scm_is_eq (last, key)) return, found no solution.

> Erik
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Erik Sandberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
> > Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 3:53 PM
> > Subject: removing unwanted accidentals
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > There seems to be a need for a way to notate that a single note should
> > > _not_
> > > have an accidental displayed, something like a 'force-no-accidental'
> > > property.

Possible, but for this case I would prefer:
1, fixing the bug
2, make key-engraver only show changes

The reason for 2, is that I prefer to put the workaround in one place,
instead of littering down the .ly with bug-corrections, that must be
refound when the bug is removed.

> > >
> > > I think there was a discussion about this over a year ago, without a
> > > conclusion. Now there have been 2 or 3 (implicit) requests for it in a
> > > short
> > > time, and IMHO it's a reasonable feature.
> > >
> > > Also it looks pretty trivial to implement; may I give it a try?
> > >
> > > Erik
> > >
> > > On Sunday 10 April 2005 14.32, Karl Hammar wrote:
> > >> How do I remove the unwanted explicit flats in the next to last
> > >> measure in:
> > >>
> > >> \version "2.4.2"
> > >>
> > >> \relative c'' {
> > >>   \override Score.BarNumber  #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
> > >>   \mark #03
> > >>   \clef treble
> > >>   \key c \minor
> > >>   a2 b |
> > >>   d1 |
> > >>   \mark #04
> > >>   \set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
> > >>   d2 es8. as,16 bes8 c |
> > >> %         ^     ^ unwanted explicit flats here
> > >>   d1
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >> Regards
> > >> /Karl

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