On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 00:55 -0700, Matthias Neeracher wrote:
> [Since we seem to be moving towards a release candidate, I thought  
> I'd repost this bug report. This is the one issue that currently  
> keeps my on 2.4.x for my personal needs.]
> On MacOS X, it seems that the symbols for x:maj7 and x:m7.5- still  
> don't work properly in 2.5.19 (The former is omitted, the latter  
> printed as a long box).
> Is this a known bug or is it a platform specific problem?

This is font related problem.  Lily uses Unicode codepoints, and lets
pango decide which symbol to use. At the moment, Greek Capital Delta is
used for the white triangle, from chord-modifier-init.ly:
        whiteTriangleMarkup = \markup {
          %%  394 capital delta
          #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x0394))
          %% need to have symbol; can't deal with TTF yet.
          %\override #'(font-name . "Symbol")
          %% 2206 : delta from the symbol font.
          %   #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2206))
          %% up pointing triangle
          % #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x25B3))
          %% \override #'(font-encoding . TeX-math) \char #77
        blackTriangleMarkup = \markup {
          %% black up pointing triangle
          #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x25B2))

Pango should select a font that contains these glyphs. Can you verify
that the standard Mac fonts do not cover these codepoints? Over here,
the i386 version uses LucidaGrande (which actually comes from my Mac, I
believe) for the Delta, but sadly it's not available on Mac due to it
being a .dfont. Nevertheless, there should be many more (free) fonts
with these glyphs. 

I see two options: 
 - draw a triangle by hand (robust)
 - making sure that a font with appropriate glyphs is installed.

I guess the first one is better, though.  

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LilyPond Software Design - http://www.lilypond-design.com

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