On Sat, 2005-04-16 at 01:08 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > When called from lilypond-book, LilyPond does _not_ take care of
> > formatting the pages. This is precisely the reason I started using it.
> > So that I can have a multi-movement score with fancy headers, table of
> > contents, etc. What it does is to break a long score up into several
> > snippets each of which is included individually. It would be extremely
> > useful to have a macro that added something between these snippets.
> > 
> This is not quite correct. Lily will do page formatting if you put your
> music into a \book block. The .eps files then output represent a full
> page, and with appropriate latex trickery, they could be put on a single
> page each. 

> I don't see why you're so keen on doing everything in LaTeX. If every
> system is dumped as a separate .EPS, then it will not be possible to
> determine neat vertical spacing and sensible pagebreaks in the final
> document. Conversely, it should not be that hard to make lilypond put
> barnumbers or rehearsal marks in page headers or footers. The code is
> all in scm/page-layout.scm, and can be changed at runtime. 

This may be true but suppose that I am using the fancyhdr package to
format headers and footers in my document. First I have to figure out
how to make lilypond produce headers and footers inexactly the same
format. I have to make sure it can understand macros like:
\fancyhead[LE, RO]{Page \thepage}

in my LaTeX preamble in case I feel like changing the data in them. This
may well be possible but it is a lot of work, in fact it is more work
that was done to produce the fancyhdr package itself, because I not only
do I have to duplicate the formatting inside lilypond, which is a bit
like re-inventing the wheel, but I also have to pass information from
LaTeX to lilypond. But the situation is actually worse than that.
Suppose someone posts a new package "betterfancyhdr" to CTAN and I
decide that I would prefer to use that. What I want to be able to do is
to switch to the new package and to re-write a few things in my LaTeX
preamble. I definitely don't want to have to re-write my lilypond files
and I don't want to have to re-implement another LaTeX package within

On the other hand The things that I might need to put in a header or
footer or caption or margin note, are fairly limited and it would be
possible for lilypond to pass these to LaTeX.

Lilypond makes a good job of deciding breaks between systems, once this
is done page breaks are easy again I might want them to follow the
general format of the rest of my document, which does not only contain
music, but contains fingering charts, various tables, graphs indicating
the volume of instruments at different pitches. At some point in this
document I have a quotation from  Mozart symphony. Maybe lilypond splits
this into three eps files. However these files take up about three
quarters of an A4 page. Suppose I want these to be at the top of three
consecutive pages and the text of my document to flow round them.
Suppose I also want them to have captions under them, for instance:

Figure X, Mozart Symphony no 40 movement 3 bars y-z

The number X depends _both_ on what other figures I have in my document
and how lilypond has split the score into systems. It may well be
possible for me to get LilyPond to render this in that same format as
the captions for my other figures, but how then do I include it in my
list of figures? How do I cross reference from my text as in: "see
Figure 8, page 4, bar 12"?


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