Here's the new version of my arrowline patch.

It lets you put arrows at the head or tail of a line.
The arrow is rotated correctly if the line isn't straight.
Arrow width and length is tunable.

Patch attached, and here's a demonstration:

\version "2.5.18"

%% demonstration of line arrows
%% By Jonatan Liljedahl <>

\relative c'' {

    \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("foo" . "bar")
    \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'()
    \override TextSpanner #'style = #'line

    %% 0: no arrow, 1: arrowhead, 2: arrowtail, 3: both
    \override TextSpanner #'arrow = #3
    %% Default arrow size
%    \override TextSpanner #'arrow-length = #1.3
%    \override TextSpanner #'arrow-width = #0.5

    %% We can put an arrow on a glissando line too
    \override Glissando #'arrow = #1
    a8\startTextSpan gis8\< a2 b4\glissando
    c,4 g'\! c\stopTextSpan c

/Jonatan    -=( )=-

Attachment: 2.5.18-arrow2-lijon.patch.gz
Description: Binary data

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