Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> With the default treatment in lilypond-book, where each score line
> is typeset in its own .eps file, it would be extremely tricky to
> implement a \lpbookPageBreak, since then lilypond would have to
> report information back to lilypond-book on where it should insert
> the page break.

I don't see why information like this could not be reported to
lilypond-book. It presumably would be a matter of creating an extra
LaTeX file while the eps files are being generated that is then
including it into the lytex file. It seem to me that no matter how
sophisticated lilypond becomes, there will always be things that can be
done better with lilypond-book, unless, of course, you re-implement the
whole of LaTeX! OTOH I don't suppose this is a priority for most users.
However I would find various extensions to lp-book very useful as I am
producing texts on harmony, orchestration, musical analysis etc. with
some very long examples. 

> However, if you use the completely undocumented feature that you only
> get one .eps file per page if you enclose your \score in a \book,
> then you could use normal \pageBreak, as soon as the bugs have been
> fixed.

I hope the default behaviour remains possible (although maybe it doesn't
need to be the default). As I like to be able to re-format my LaTeX doc
without re-running lilypond.


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