Wiz Aus writes:

> So why can't it be built under Windows just using MinGW (and not cygwin)?

Of course it can be done, you've got all the source.  It's just that
it hasn't been done yet, so you may need to fix configure/build
systems and patch some packages.

We've come a long way to get LilyPond compiled for windows.
Currently, it can be cross compiled to cygwin and to mingw.  That took
quite some time and effort, but I'm quite pleased with the result.
There is no reason to build or develop [free software] on Windows,
when we have GNU/Linux at our convenience.

And in another message

> ERROR: Please install required programs:  /bin/echo >= 2.2 (installed:
> ) msgfmt mf-nowin mf mfw mfont guile-config >= 1.6.5 (installed:
> 1.6.0) libguile (libguile-dev, guile-devel or guile-dev package). -c
> import sys; sys.stdout.write (%s/include/python%s % (sys.prefix,
> sys.version[:3]))/Python.h (python-devel, python-dev or libpython-dev
> package) mftrace fontforge pkg-config makeinfo >= 4.7 (installed: 4.3)

> Now, do I really need to download every single one of those packages
> individually?


> And are they all available in the right versions for mingw?

Some of them are, at http://lilypond.org/mingw/uploads.  They are
easily installable using min-apt.  However, you also need python, gs,
tetex, potrace, fontforge.  Those are not readily available, and if
they are, they need Windows style manual effort to install/upgrade.

See the mostly unsupported scripts in LilyPond's installers/windows
module in CVS.

There's a very good reason that I provide Cygwin and Mingw packages:
it costs less time than helping individuals to get lilypond compiled,
and if they succeed, to support the problems they or others have when
running.  However, I'd be very glad if someone would take the next
step and get Python and ghostscript cross compiled for mingw (and fold
those changes back into those packages).


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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