On 28-Mar-06, at 3:56 PM, Joshua Parmenter wrote:

If you're new here, you may not realise that almost everything in lilypond is
configurable. As things stand, you can do

Of course... I have only started working through the tutorial... so perhaps I should just keep a little quiet until I know what is going on!

Due to your programming background, this is probably obvious, but just in case... you can make "stylesheets" of your own, from standard .ly files, and include them in every work.

For example, I have half a dozen files with my own definitions. I include a single file, "tutti.ly" in every real music file. "tutti.ly" in turn simply contains
\version "2.7.40"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
\include "../init/init-defs.ly"
\include "../init/init-layout.ly"
\include "../init/init-paper.ly"

Part of init-layout.ly is this:
  \context{ \Staff
    \override TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
  \context { \Voice
    \override TextScript #'padding = #1.0
    \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
    \override Glissando #'gap = #0.1
    \override Glissando #'breakable = ##f

(to everybody else)
Yeah, I'll add an example of this to the docs in a few weeks.

- Graham

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