Please note that the property name "style" currently (hopefully) consistently denotes _font_ style. It is defined with this meaning for noteheads, rests, accidentals, time signatures, flags, and custos.

Nowadays, that Lily supports subproperties (cp. manual Sect. 9.1.4 or 9.2.1), maybe, on the long term, the property "style" should be split into subproperties "font" and "shape" or similar? Then you could use subproperty "shape" of property "style" for stem tremolos. I _really_ would prefer to keep the naming of properties as consistent as possible.


On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Joe Neeman wrote:
On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 20:20, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Can you resend the patch using more idiomatic code? Thanks!
Also, can you include a small regression test sample, so it's obvious
when we break something?

I'm not quite sure if we reached a conclusion on the default behaviour of tremolos and I'm also not quite sure what the protocol is for adding things to interfaces (I added "style" to stem-tremolo-interface. It can be 'rectangle or 'default) but here is another try anyway. I also enclose a

looks good, although default is usually signaled with '()

regression test and an image of the output.

thanks. I've added your changes to 2.9 ; I'll probably backport the diff of 2.9.0 to 2.8.1 as a whole. Can you look at the regtests and (your file), and refactor them so they don't have overlaps?

thanks for your patch!

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