Graham Percival wrote:
> On 11-Apr-06, at 2:51 PM, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
>> Graham Percival wrote:
>>> This link still works
>> That link works, but the link to the User Manual doesn't. Has Han-Wen
>> taken it with him?
> Eh?  The link from that page to the User Manual certainly works for me.
>  As does the link to Program Reference... hey, the program reference is
> for 2.9.1, but the User manual is 2.9.0.
> I wouldn't spend too much effort worrying about the online state of the
> 2.9 docs, though.  :)
> - Graham
Hmm. The URL I get on the 'Manual' link is
Firefox takes me to the doc index, and in links I go to the 2.8 docs.
I'm suspecting there's something up on my system--a site did some pretty
weird things to my browser a few days ago.

Is anyone else seeing anything strange?


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