The changes were made with hints from the GSview author, with the primary purpose of making GSview grok the code. I readily admit that my postscript knowledge is virtually nonexistent. Feel free to submit patches to make lily create sane PS.

2006/4/16, John Hawkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> And BTW, Lily's PostScript code's main purpose is to produce something
> which Ghostscript turns into a PDF. So, the PostScript does not have to
> adher strictly to the specs, but to what Ghostscript understands.

Yikes, really!? That's good to know, I guess, but also kind of
disappointing.  For some reason that I have not bothered to debug,
PDFs that LilyPond (2.6.3) generates for me have bizarre defects, like
all text turning into the letter "y," etc. As such, postscript is the
way to go. Not to mention that it's faster.

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