I've had a look at the note in the 2.8 News file about the new 
rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol. It seems to say everything that's needed, but I'm 
wondering if we need a list of possible values. The example shows key-signature 
and clef---where can I find the others?

I've also noticed that the explanation calls the value rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol 
whilst the snippet calls it break-align-symbol. What needs to be changed?

In the graphic in the News file the 'On Clef' example seems to be on the bar 
line as opposed to the clef. Is this due to the Rehearsal mark alignment 
problem that cropped up in late 2.7?

FWIW here's a suggested entry for 2.8.3 "Rehearsal Marks" as ripped off from 
the News:


The horizontal location of rehearsal marks can be adjusted by setting the 
rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol property:

\relative {
  \key cis \major
  \clef alto
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol = #'key-signature
  \mark "on-key"
 \key ces \major
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol = #'clef
  \clef treble
  \mark "on clef"

[Place music graphic here]

Other values that can be taken by break-align-symbol include:

[list of possible values]



Cameron Horsburgh

/dev/random says:
Dinner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza


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