On 7/6/06, Juergen Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

please note that \partial or \upbeat, whatever you call it, has
musicologically a special meaning: the first, incomplete bar, and the last
bar of a piece or of a major section of a piece (typically the bar before
the next "||" bar glyph) should sum up to a complete bar.

For example, if a song with 4/4 meter starts with "\partial 4 f4", the
last bar should, by convention, have a total length of 3 quarter notes.
Having said that, you never should use "\partial" or "\upbeat" somewhere
within a piece.  If lily nevertheless accepts it within a piece without
issuing an error or warning, I consider this a bug.

I often use partials to allow line breaks in the middle of some bars :

breakThreeFour = { \partial 2. s2. \bar "" \break \partial 4 s4  }

It makes more readable music, especially when there are multiple verses.


Mathieu Giraud - www.magiraud.org/mathieu
Please don't use my gmail account to send me private emails.

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