On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:36:17 +0200
Marco Gusy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I already red it, and I think this behaviour is not correct. When playing you 
> feel stronger the sharp in the same measure than the unsharp of the previous 
> one. The previous one unsharp should not override the diesis in the same 
> measure don't you think?
> Anyway the problem is still more annoying, this happens also if the first 
> note 
> is measures far away... 

Don't be annoyed, you can get your money back if you want;-)

Music-notation is "annoying" anyway you look at it and demands a great
effort on the behalf of the writer (even with pen and paper, which I
used for 20 years or more.)

Well, try to live with it, use "!" or something like that to explicit
specify accidentals. Good luck and happy writing,

/Donald Axel

http://d-axel.dk/ -- Donald Axel, Consultant -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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