Han-Wen Nienhuys schrieb:

After uninstalling it the following folders remain:


and its subfolders. The installation directory should completely be removed.

What exactly is in these folders?

\usr\lib contains python 2.4 files
\usr\etc\relocate contains four ".reloc" files

Note that we create the installer on Linux, and almost never test the windows installer.

That is bad. I'm impressed about Lilypond's quality in design, especially its fantastic documentation so that I'm surprized that you don't test it on Windows. I'm surely not the only Lilypond Windows user.

Btw. It would be nice if Lilypond has a bugtracker. That would make it easier to report bugs and assures that they won't be forgotten. Lilypond is registered at savannah.gnu.org and the easiest way would be to use the provided bugtracker of the savannah project page. (There is currently only one unanswered bug report, and I'm sure that Lilypond has more small bugs ;-) )

regards Uwe

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