Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
This is interesting. There has been lots of discussion on the git mailing list, about git being hard to understand, but -it being a developer's list- little data from actual newbie users. Could you take some brief notes about what tripped you up, and post them?

I'm reluctant to post to the git mailing list because I'm completely willing to admit that this is probably a stupid luser problem. I never seriously tried to read the docs on the overall theory of git (branches, repo, etc); I just flailed around looking for magic commands to make things work.

I suppose I _could_ blame git docs for not making these commands more obvious... but I'm really not keen on criticizing documentation unless I've actually read it seriously. The only times I've seriously considered stopping involvement with lilypond have been when people ask obvious RTFM questions.

This case was particularly difficult because the very first time I tried to commit... err... push... err... "make my doc changes available to everybody else" (whatever the right term is), there was this merge problem.


Two people (me and Mats) edited the same line on Documentation/user/advanced.itely at the same time. When I tried to get the most recent changes, I'm greeted with this:
Trying really trivial in-index merge...
Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely: needs merge
fatal: you need to resolve your current index first
Merging HEAD with c21d3f3e1c77722e50d994763442e6f994b03ac2
038b7fc Misc small updates (trying to make git work).
c21d3f3 Merge branch 'master' of ssh+git://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/lilypond
found 1 common ancestor(s):
84219bb don't have input/templates/ any longer.
fatal: Entry '.gitignore' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.
No merge strategy handled the merge.

As a git newbie, I'm quite confused. OK, there's no merge strategy... so what do I do now? With cvs, the changes would be dumped into the file. I look at the file, found the conflict, and tried it again. I got the same error message, and then it occurred to me that although I changed the files in my ~/usr/src/lilypond, git might be storing these files somewhere else. So I tried

$ git commit Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely
Cannot do a partial commit during a merge.
You might have meant to say 'git commit -i paths...', perhaps?

... eh? I'm trying to fix this so that you _can_ merge! Regardless, when I tried to update again, I get

$ git pull gnu master
Trying really trivial in-index merge...
fatal: Entry '.gitignore' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.
Merging HEAD with c21d3f3e1c77722e50d994763442e6f994b03ac2
038b7fc Misc small updates (trying to make git work).
c21d3f3 Merge branch 'master' of ssh+git://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/lilypond
found 1 common ancestor(s):
84219bb don't have input/templates/ any longer.
fatal: Entry '.gitignore' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.
No merge strategy handled the merge.

Now I'm totally confused, because I definitely haven't touched .gitignore.


The "tutorial introduction to git" looks like a nice document, but it assumes that you are in control of the project. For users who aren't in control (ie me) this is a problem, because it starts me skimming. "Importing a project"... nah, that's not me. "Merging branches"... I don't care; I'm going to shove everything into the main branch. "Using git for collaboration"... hmm, maybe this is the stuff I need to read. But by this point, I've already skimmed through five screens of info, so I'm not reading very carefully.

It would be nice to have an accompanying "tutorial introduction to contributing with git" that just goes over the following steps (in their git equivalent):

cvs co blah blah  (which I simply copy and paste from savannah anyway)
while (true) {
  cvs update          // get changes that happened overnight
  vi foo/bar/baz.txt  // or whatever editing commands you do
  make; make web      // or whatever testing commands you do
  cvs update          // get latest changes to prepare for
                      // uploading changes.  This step may or
                      // may not be required in git.
  cvs ci foo/bar/baz.txt  // upload changes

Once or twice a year I'll do "cvs diff", but all I really want are the above commands. I figured that this should be really easy to do, so I kept on skimming through the docs, trying to find the equivalent of these really easy commands.

Finally, it would be really nice if there was some mention of "resolving merge problems" in the tutorial (both in the current one and any new docs).

- Graham

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