John Mandereau escreveu:
> Before the next release including this patch, may I also add a link to
> the French tutorial in


Here are some final remarks, and Jan will have a look too.  If Jan is
ok, please push to stable/2.10.

>I've moved most stuff from to

Good! Can you put them in buildscripts/

(the stepmake bin/ directory isn't used anymore AFAIK.) 

>       -$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)
> -     cp -a $(outdir)/web-root/ $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)/
> +     cp -a $(outdir)/offline-root/ $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)/

I tend to use rsync for this; on MacOS X, cp -a doesn't work.

> +# For online docs with content negotiation, issue `make web 
> +# For both online and offline docs, issue `make web FINAL_TARGETS="offline 
> online"'
> +FINAL_TARGETS = offline


> +def build_pages_dict (filelist):
> +    """Build dictionnary of available translations of each page"""
> +    pages_dict = {}
> +    for f in filelist:
> +        m = html_re.match (f)
> +        if m:
> +            g = m.groups()

hmm, of course the code of add_html_footer is a complete mess, but
you're excused as it is the combined turd of years of negligence of by Jan and me. Still, you're welcome to clean it up
a bit if possible.

> +    wiki_page = ('v%s.%s-' % (versiontup[0], versiontup[1]) +  f)
> +    wiki_page = re.sub ('out-www/', '', wiki_page)
> +    wiki_page = re.sub ('/', '-', wiki_page) 
> +    wiki_page = re.sub (r'\.-', '', wiki_page) 
> +    wiki_page = re.sub ('.html', '', wiki_page)
> +
> +    wiki_string = ''
> +
> +    if wiki_base:
> +        wiki_string = (r'''<a href="%(wiki_base)s%(wiki_page)s">Read </a> 
> comments on this page, or
> +        <a href="%(wiki_base)s%(wiki_page)s?action=edit">add</a> one.''' % 
> +               { 'wiki_base': wiki_base,
> +                'wiki_page': wiki_page})
> +

I think the wiki stuff can go

> +    #subst = globals ()
> +    #subst.update (locals())
> +    for k in page_flavors.keys():
> +        page_flavors[k] = page_flavors[k] % vars ()
> +
> +    # urg
> +    # maybe find first node?
> +    fallback_web_title = '-- --'
> +    # ugh, python2.[12] re is broken.
> +    #m = re.match ('.*?<title>\(.*?\)</title>', s, re.DOTALL)
> +    m = re.match ('[.\n]*?<title>([.\n]*?)</title>', s)

similarly, we don't bother with python 2.1 and 2.2 anymore.
Jan, which is the proper one now?

> diff --git a/stepmake/bin/ b/stepmake/bin/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..b6e4508
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/stepmake/bin/
> @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
> +def lang_file_name (p, langext, ext):
> +    if langext != '':
> +        return p + '.' + langext + ext
> +    return p + ext
> +
> +class language_def:

class names look like LanguageDef

> diff --git a/stepmake/bin/ b/stepmake/bin/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..4bbac88
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/stepmake/bin/
> @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
> +
> +import re
> +import os
> +
> +def new_link_path (link, dir, r):
> +    l = link.split ('/')
> +    d = dir.split ('/')
> +    i = 0
> +    while i < len(d) and l[i] == '..':
> +        if r.match (d[i]):
> +            del l[i]
> +        else:
> +            i += 1
> +    return '/'.join ([x for x in l if not r.match (x)])
> +
> +def hardlink_tree (input_roots = [],
> +                   process_dirs = '.*',
> +                   strip_dir_names = '',
> +                   exclude_dirs = '',
> +                   process_files = '.*',
> +                   exclude_files = '',
> +                   target_pattern = '',
> +                   targets = ['.']):
> +    """Mirror trees for different targets by hardlinking files.
> +
> +    Arguments:
> +     input_roots=DIRLIST      use DIRLIST as input tree roots list
> +     process_dir=PATTERN      only process files in directories named PATTERN
> +     strip_dir_names=PATTERN  strip directories names matching PATTERN 
> +                                 (write their content to parent)
> +     exclude_dir=PATTERN      don't recurse into directories named PATTERN
> +     process_files=PATTERN    filters files which are hardlinked
> +     exclude_files=PATTERN    exclude files named PATTERN
> +     target_pattern=STRING    use STRING as target root directory name 
> pattern
> +     targets=DIRLIST          mkdir each directory in DIRLIST and mirrors 
> the tree into each
> +    """
> +    process_files_re = re.compile (process_files)
> +    exclude_dirs_re = re.compile (exclude_dirs)
> +    exclude_files_re = re.compile (exclude_files)
> +    process_dirs_re = re.compile (process_dirs)
> +    strip_dir_names_re = re.compile (strip_dir_names)
> +    do_strip_dir_names_re = re.compile ('/(?:' + strip_dir_names + ')')
> +
> +    if not '%s' in target_pattern:
> +        target_pattern += '%s'
> +    target_dirs = [target_pattern % s for s in targets]
> +
> +    map (os.mkdir, target_dirs)
> +

btw, what happens if target_dirs already exists?

> diff --git a/stepmake/bin/ b/stepmake/bin/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a2fd52e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/stepmake/bin/
> @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
> +
> +## This is This script is the main stage
> +## of toplevel GNUmakefile local-WWW-post target.
> +
> +# please call me from top of the source directory
> +
> +import sys
> +import os
> +import re
> +import subprocess
> +
> +package_name, package_version, step_bindir, outdir, targets = sys.argv[1:]
> +targets = targets.split (' ')
> +outdir = os.path.normpath (outdir)
> +doc_dirs = ['input', 'Documentation', outdir]
> +target_pattern = os.path.join (outdir, '%s-root')
> +
> +static_files = {os.path.join (outdir, 'index.html'):
> +               '''<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" 
> content="0;URL=Documentation/index.html">
> +<html><body>Redirecting to the documentation index...</body></html>\n''',
> +               os.path.join (outdir, 'VERSION'):
> +               package_version + '\n' }
> +
> +for f in static_files.keys():
> +    open (f, 'w').write (static_files[f])

  for (f, content) in static_files.items():
    open ( .. ) .write (content)

is a little tighter.

> +                          targets = targets)
> +find_html = subprocess.Popen (['find'] + doc_dirs + ['-name', '*.html'],
> +                              stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
> +                              bufsize = -1)
> +find_output = ()
> +n = find_html.wait ()

  os.popen (..command..).read ()

Still more python is to use os.walk(), but it's a little more work.

> +if n != 0:
> +    sys.exit (n)
> +html_list = find_output.split ('\n')
> +html_list = [f for f in html_list if not (f == '' or 'fr/' in f)]


should come from the new language module. 


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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