J.P. Mellor wrote:
Sure thing!  Attached are much shorter examples.

Thanks, there are much easier to analyze.

volta_test1a.ly - missing vertical line segment on the right side of
                  the volta bracket.

This isn't done in printed music. There is some logic in this -- the music doesn't stop after the 2nd time ending -- but to be completely logical the left-most vertical segment of the 1st time ending should also be missing (since music doesn't start at the 1st time repeat).

Anyway, regardless of the internal consistency (or lack thereof) of Western music, LilyPond's behavior here is not a bug.

volta_test1b.ly - with a single alternative the final bar of the
                  alternative is not printed as a repeat bar.

Hmm.  If you modify your file like this,
  %  \alternative { { a'1 | } }
    \alternative { { a'1 | } {a'1 }}
you get the result you wish. I'm not convinced this is a bug, either -- if lilypond _did_ add a repeat in the first case, then it would logically apply after the 2nd time repeat as well. Then the poor musicians would get into an infinite loop. :)

I don't think either of these is behaving as they should.

volta_test2a.ly and volta_test2b.ly - highlight functionality that
                  I'd like to see.  I'm not sure what the best way to
                  achieve this is.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this:
\repeat volta 2 {
  a'2 a'2 |
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1"))
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) (volta "2"))
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
  b'2 |
  c''2 c''2 |

Are you just trying to get a half-bar alternative repeat? If so, you could fake it by adding an s2 (or maybe even s2*0) to your alternatives.

- Graham

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