Mark Knoop wrote:
This talk of 'reconsidering your notation' and 'reasonable shortest
notes' is rather disturbing. Clearly, composers *do* use 128th (and
shorter) notes, both beamed and unbeamed: therefore lilypond *should*
support them.

The musical notation should be chosen by the composer, not the tool. It
is not the job of software writers to dictate what is or is not

When applied to notation, sure. When applied to software, it *is* the job of project managers to dictate what is or is not `reasonable'.

Since we want the issue tracker to be complete, I have added this item as a feature request:

However, it has the lowest possible priority. Adding font symbols is a very hard task, and there's little demand for it. If somebody wants to add this feature, fine -- but I really don't think this issue is as important as the other 163 unsolved issues.

I hate parroting "we don't have the resources..." all the time, but it's true. And I think that transparency and honesty is better than the alternative.

- Graham

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