Graham Percival wrote on 03 December 2007 05:01
> Valentin Villenave wrote:
> > P.S. isn't there really any possibility to make 
> the foo.Bar syntax
> > work in lyricmode? that would solve the problem 
> for good, wouldn't it?


> > But I guess there isn't...
> We want to display lyrics for
>       BLAH BLAH amen.
> correct?
>  From there, it seems obvious that we should 
> display lyrics for
>       BLAH BLAH
> And that leads naturally into displaying lyrics for
>       \override Voice.TextScript #'padding
Not really.  We also want to have the syllable Voice
displayed in lyrics too, and in the proper place it
is, but, after \override, Voice is recognised as a 
token.  So it is clearly possible in principle
to recognise Voice.TextScript as context.grobname too.
It is simply that the parser has not been written to 
do so.
> I think that if we highlight this info inside a 
> @warning{}, it'll be 
> fairly clear.  It ties in nicely with the warning 
> about { BLAH amen} 
> anyway.
I've already linked the two in the LM, and I'm happy 
to highlight them in a warning too.

> Cheers,
> - Graham

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