Hi, John,

op vrijdag 18 januari 2008, schreef je:
> Cool!  Have you also considered translating official docs?  Jan and me
> have set up a translation infrastructure that makes translated manuals
> (Learning Manual, Notation Reference and Application Usage) available in
> HTML and PDF, very visible on lilypond.org thanks to automatic language
> selection, also available in docs tarball; all HTML pages have easy
> switching between languages, incremental/partial translation of a manual
> is possible, and updating translations is made easy with some Python
> scripts.  Let me know if you're interested :-)

Yes, I'm interested but I really have not much time (busy musician jobs and 
two lovely children). I did much translation work in the past (mainly KDE and 
Scribus) but not any more atm.

But an official Dutch Lilypond manual would be very nice, and I'd be willing 
to help lift it off...

w best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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