Patrick McCarty wrote Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:21 AM
I have a couple of questions regarding my section (NR 1.6):

*NR Staff symbol

This section is describing every single way to modify the properties
of StaffSymbol.  The only content that doesn't involve \override
commands is the explanation of \stopStaff and \startStaff.  Should I
continue using this structure even though it violates GDP policy?  If
not, what content should remain in the main text?

I think this is fine as it is.

*NR Ossia staves

I have collected four different methods of creating ossia staves from
the mailing lists, etc.  They are all attached and produce identical
output.  Should I include all of these methods in the main text, or
should I describe a general strategy and put these (or more exciting
versions of them) in @snippets?

I'm not sure these are four -different- methods.  Rather they show
a number of techniques all of which may be required to achieve
a particular effect.  I suggest they be grouped to cover two common

(a) Where the score has a single or very few isolated
ossia sections.  This is essentially the example that is used in
the Learning Manual, beginning in LM 3.1.3 Nesting music
expressions.  Might be useful to refer to this, as each technique
is explained there.

(b) Where the score has many ossia sections.  Here using
a permanent ossia staff may be more useful.  This would need,
in addition to the techniques in (a), \startStaff, \stopStaff, skip notes,
\RemoveEmptyStaffContext and 'remove-first.
I appreciate any feedback!

You're welcome



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