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Am Montag, 18. August 2008 schrieb John Mandereau:
> BTW I don't know how you want to handle dev/texi2html merging, 

git checkout master
git merge dev/texi2html

Done. Everything will work ;-)

> but I prefer merging over rebasing: 

In this case, I totally agree. Rebasing is nice for branches with one, two or 
three commits, but for branches with ~100 commits like dev/texi2html it's 
just insane.

> fixing conflicts in makefiles is  
> error-prone if  you have to do it for a lot of commits. 

Hehe, yeah. I merged in master into dev/texi2html quite frequently, manually 
resolving the rare conflicts in the make files. So, basically, the "merge" is 
not really a merge any more, rather a "master should be exactly what 
dev/texi2html is". A simply "git merge dev/texi2html" in master will do 
exactly that, without any conflicts to resolve, since I've already done that 
in dev/texi2html.

> BTW I'm looking at 
> dev/texi2html docs building, this will be my only work on Lily until
> main issues are fixed there.

I'm not aware of any major problems with dev/texi2html. Patrice now also fixed 
the issues with wrong relative pathes with @image calls.
Linkchecker finds hundreds of missing links, but that's mainly because several 
files are not installed by the build scripts, because there is no 
corresponding English file...

I'm currently rebuilding the dev/texi2html on kainhofer.com and will run 
linkchecker over night, so that you'll see any missing links tomorrow morning 
at http://kainhofer.com/~lilypond/texi2html-out/linkchecker-out.html 
(I'm again ignoring those ~20 files that I mentioned a few days ago. These 
files cause hundreds of broken links...)

- -- 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/
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