In order to resolve this issue correctly, I need to know how you think beams
should be generated in the following case:

timeSignatureFraction is (12 . 16)
beatLength is (ly:make-moment 1 8)
beatGrouping is (5 4 3)

If I have a measure full of 16th notes and I want to do autobeaming, where
should the beams be broken in your opinion?

(a) 2/16, 4/16, 6/16, 8/16, 10/16, 12/16
(b) 5/16, 9/16, 12/16

Why did you answer the way you did?



P.S.  The conflict arises because we have two different statements of what
the fundamental beat length in the music is.  timeSignatureFraction says
it's 1/16; beatLength says it's 1/8.  I don't think the conflict should be
allowed, but it currently is.

With a beatLength of 1/8, beatGrouping no longer makes sense, because there
aren't 12 beats per measure any more.

I can do autobeaming according to either (a) or (b), and have written code
for both.  I just need to know which would be correct, and how I might know
which to choose.  Should there be another variable useBeatLengthGrouping
that would be a boolean and would autobeam according to (a), otherwise we'd
beam according to (b)?

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