On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer
>> > Just curiosity, what's the size of this redirected output file?
>> >
>> > Secondly: let's assume it's a million lines worth (this much it seems
>> > to me).
>> It's not THAT bad: A clean "make" and "make web" is "just" a bit over
>> 133.000 lines, resulting in a redirected output file of 15MB (The file has
>> 15.2 Mio. characters)...
> Roughly 26.500 of the lines come from the font generation, which spills out
> loads of lines, which are absolutely incomprehensible to any mortal (each
> glyph in each of our differently-sized fonts gets a line with several numbers
> associated to the glyph). Do we really need that excessive output? Is there
> any way to turn that off, anyway?


I want to see this output, because I will notice when things are out
of the ordinary.  I also find it highly annoying when projects
'prettify' their build output, because it makes debugging much more

For example, you can reproduce problems in the build by cut & pasting
the build output very easy.

If you think it is too much, run it with >&  log.txt and use a pager
to navigate it.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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