
this is my third attempt to send this email. It seems to have been
rejected twice due to size and sending it from the wrong account
(things get complicated when you can't use the computer/setup you're
used to). I hope it finally gets through this time; sorry if you
received it multiple times anyway. The original message follows below.



2008/11/9 Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all,

after my laptop crash and endless attempts ( though unsuccessful ones,
unfortunately) to set up a development environment on one of the
university computers, I was finally able to borrow a friend's laptop,
copy over the files from my old hard drive and set up a git repository
to work on the changes Werner suggested. I am truly sorry that it took
me again so long to make this work (but even accessing to the old
files wasn't as easy as I had hoped).

The reworked patches for the new arrowed accidentals are attached (I'm
also attaching metafont's dvi output for inspection). Does this fix
all the issues? Any further comments?

Thanks again for your help and suggestions,

Attachment: arrowed_accidentals_patch_corr.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: arrowed_accidentals.dvi.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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