Graham Percival wrote Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: holdups for 2.12

We worked on the release text a few months ago; I believe it made
it's way to the wiki.  Trevor will post a link here soon, I'm
sure.  :)

Not sure about a wiki link, but the final version of the
text is attached.

The only thing not mentioned so far is, did Rune's latest
patches ever get applied?  I don't think they did.  Was there
a reason for not applying them?

*LilyPond version 2.12 available -- 12 year anniversary release*

We are proud to announce the release of GNU/LilyPond 2.12 "Rune".

Our joy is tinged with sadness, as long-time LilyPond contributor
and friend Rune Zedeler passed away on the 2nd of July, 2008. This
release is dedicated to him.

Rune was a computer programmer, a musician and a valued contributor
to LilyPond.  He had been enthusiastically involved in the project
for the past six years, and he will be sorely missed in our community.

*Major updates*

- Collision detection has been vastly improved.  Outside-staff objects
now avoid each other automatically, so far fewer manual tweaks are
required to obtain a pleasing layout.

- The documentation has been almost entirely rewritten during the
year-long "Grand Documentation Project", and the online documentation
is both much better-looking and far easier to browse.  The program
is now available in 15 languages, and the documentation is partially
available in French, Spanish and German.  It has never been easier to
get started with 'Pond!

- Almost 30 new features, among others transposable fret diagrams,
microtonal accidentals, and a much improved musicxml2ly, have been
implemented and nearly 200 bugs have been fixed.  For a complete
overview surf to

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