2008/12/12 Eyolf Østrem <ey...@oestrem.com>:
> I don't know about the devs -- you're probably right that to them, new
> features are more interesting -- but THIS user sticks with LilyPond because 
> the
> output is superb. As it is, LP deals with 99% of the western music notation
> canon, and to me, the perfectioning of that is far more important than
> filling in the remaining %.
> Also, a higher priority for me would be to simplify input for the 30% which
> go beyond simple music expressions  and where scheme or fiddling with grob
> properties are required.

Eyolf: I think we agree on the need for more simplification, and if
you look at the feature requests, a lot of them are actually about
simpler input syntax rather than about adding "exotic" whole-new
- for instance, a major feature request is to make LilyPond+editor
easier to install and to understand under Windows.
- another example: it would be nice to have one single command to
start a TextSpanner without having to \override TextSpanner
#'bound-details #'left #'text (I've already been working quite a lot
on this particular one).

So when I say "we should make requesting features and taking them into
account easier", I am also advocating for actually improving the
existing software.

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