Mark Polesky wrote Monday, December 15, 2008 8:02 AM

NR 2.1.2 "Entering lyrics: Lyrics explained"


Similarly, a period which follows an alphabetic sequence is included in the resulting string. As a consequence, spaces must be inserted around property commands: do not write
\override Score.LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic

but instead use
\override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic

Is this true? If so, I've been doing it the wrong way all along! This is not mentioned in 4.1.4 "Tweaking methods:
\override command" which states...

Yes, this is true, but only for overrides which are entered *directly* in \lyricmode.

It is not necessary for other overrides or for overrides entered
as part of a variable which is then applied in \lyricmode.

The general syntax of this command is:

\override Context.LayoutObject #'layout-property = #value

This is the general syntax, but the rider above needs to be
applied when entering overrides directly in \lyricmode.


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