On 28.12.2008 (13:05), Trevor Daniels wrote:
> At present the MensuralVoice context sets the NoteHead style to 'petrucci, 
> but does not set the style for rests.  I know nothing of ancient music, 
> but it seems to me that rests should be set to 'mensural style?  Advice 
> please, from anyone who understands ancient music.

Yes, that would be good. Another thing that's worth considering, is what to
do with the accidentals: one thing is which accidental style to choose for
each general style, but there also ought to be an option to use the sharp
sign for naturals/cancellations, as was customary.


[Norm goes into the bar at Vic's Bowl-A-Rama.]

Off-screen crowd:  Norm!
Sam:   How the hell do they know him here?
Cliff: He's got a life, you know.
                -- Cheers, From Beer to Eternity

Woody: What can I do for you, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:  Elope with my wife.
                -- Cheers, The Triangle

Woody: How's life, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:  Oh, I'm waiting for the movie.
                -- Cheers, Take My Shirt... Please?

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