On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 01:03:04AM +0100, John Mandereau wrote:
> Le dimanche 28 d??cembre 2008 ?? 15:35 -0800, Graham Percival a ??crit :
> > Remember that "python --version" calls the first version in the
> > PATH.  /usr/bin/python (which is what we use instead of the more
> > sensible /usr/bin/env python) might be different.
> I'm sure it's easy to set
> TARGET_PYTHON=/usr/bin/env python
> at configure step for MacOS X build in GUB.  I can't do this myself
> until I get familiar with GUB, sorry.

You're off the hook until GUB is added to git.  :)
(no, don't use the current gub/ branch in git; it's out of date.
And yes, this is counter-intuitive, but don't talk about that for
another week or two)

> > > IIRC Leopard comes with some 2.4.x version, which includes
> > > shutil normally.
> > 
> > Leopard is 2.5.  Tiger is 2.4
> Err, are you really sure?

Oops.  Leopard is 2.5.1, but Tiger is 2.3.5.

- Graham

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