Hello John,

John Mandereau <john.mandereau <at> gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry for the delay, and unfortunately I am still quite busy.

Don't mind it. I know you have your own life.

> Repeating "make web" until it succeeds hides the fact it's currently not 
> possible to build the Texinfo manuals in Japanese as Werner pointed out; 
> I'll make it possible to enable building Japanese documentation in HTML only 
> this week-end, so that "make web" goes on working.  Of course, it is up to 
> you to judge whether the translation is in a good shape for inclusion in the 
> official documentation; I generally think making translations available 
> earliest makes proofreading them by other people easier and speeds it up 
> (except I couldn't reply as quickly as I'd like lately).

I'm sure. Perhaps, we should not include Japanese translation in the source
codes until Texinfo supports Japanese. However, I want to make my translation
available in the web. I believe my translation will help Japanese users to
understand LilyPond more easily and is needed as the material for proofreading
as you think.

Sawada, Yoshiki

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