Am 25.01.2009 um 00:53 schrieb Josh Parmenter:

Hi David,

I'm running it right now on a newer mac intel, and am noticing tons of xorg stuff... is this for the GUI? Does the regular X11 not cover these dependencies?

It's for fontforge. If you look at the depencies (and the dependencies of depencies) all of the Xorg libraries are dependencies for fontforge. It's one of the downsides of macports. If you compile it yourself, you actually don't need all of those. At least, I didn't when I did.

Thanks for doing this!


On Jan 24, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Jonathan Kulp wrote:

David Baumgold wrote:
I'm a big fan of Macports, and since lilypond seems to be so difficult to compile, I figured I would try to write a portfile for it, to make compiling easier for everyone. After about a week's work of research and
many, many failed attempts, I finally have a portfile that seems to
work. Can people test this portfile to verify that lilypond builds
correctly? And if it reliably does so, can this information be put on
the lilypond download page?
To compile lilypond using Macports, first make sure you have XCode installed. Then just download Macports from http:// and install it, add /opt/local to your PATH, and then run "sudo port install
lilypond". That's it. Macports will download, compile, and install
lilypond and its dependencies.
Also, I have not yet tested the GUI option in lilypond. To try building it, run "sudo port install lilypond +gui" instead of just "sudo port install lilypond". If it works, great -- if it doesn't, can people post
their error messages?

Thanks for doing this.  It's a very good idea!

I just tried it and it failed when building pango. It said my Xcode is too old (2.0) and that I need to update to at least 2.4.1. This is an eMac G4 that's about 4 years old. I have an Intel iMac on my desk at work, though, so I'll try it there, too. It's a much newer machine and the Xcode tools are probably up-to- date.

Jonathan Kulp

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/* Joshua D. Parmenter

“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

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