2009/3/2 Carl D. Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>

> On 3/1/09 2:44 PM, "Marek Klein" <ma...@gregoriana.sk> wrote:
> >
> >
> > With your suggestion and one more line of code it works now with
> > ly:parser-define!
> >
> > (define counter-alist '())
> Will it work with the above line missing?  The whole point of using
> ly:parser-define! is to avoid having a global variable.
> When you use
> (define counter-alist '())
> you are defining counter-alist as a global variable.   I think you should
> be
> able to just remove that line.
> Yes, it works. Thanks for explanation. Do you have some list of recomended
studying materials?

Marek Klein
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