On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 07:56:53AM -0600, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> On 3/27/09 7:24 AM, "Jan Nieuwenhuizen" <janneke-l...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > Well, this is utterly ridiculous IMNSHO.  I would suggest to
> > 
> >   * fix the main lilypond repo so that git clone "just works", or
> >   * ask on g...@vger.kernel.org what else we're doing wrong, or
> >   * fix git so that git clone "just works"
> > 
> > If all of these fail, and git clone is *supposed* to be utterly
> > unusable, I suggest to look seriously into switching to bazaar or hg.
> I'm not opposed to making it *just work*.  I am opposed to switching from
> git just because of this minor inconvenience.


Now, I'm totally in favor of people complaining to
vger.kernel.org.  But I think this has to be done by a
knowledgeable git person... and even once we convince them that
there *is* a problem, and it's *not* caused by our setup (assuming
this is true), then it'll still take two years for the fixed
version of git clone to be available in people's repositories.

No, we do not want to ask contributors to download git from an
unstable branch.  That's far worse than a 5-line cut&paste job.

Now, according to Patrick, "git clone" works for the main branch.
Unfortunately I can't see myself testing this in the near future
(my apartment has a pathetic internet connection, and the
university doesn't allow git connections).  However, we need
brainless cut&paste instructions for the translations and web as

Another question is whether it makes sense to keep web/ as a
branch in the main lilypond git.  I mean, if we're storing gub/ in
a separate project, why not stick web/ there as well.

... this again would involve a fairly involved bit of organization
that I am totally willing to do in June, but not before.

I propose that we leave things as they are right now, unless
somebody has the energy to take charge of this task.  I estimate
10 hours if you know git, and 20 hours if you don't.

- Graham

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