2009/4/15 Carl D. Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:

> So why can't we define an AutoBeamPlaceHolder grob description (defined in
> scm/define-grobs.scm), which has an auto-beam-setting-interface (defined in
> scm/define-grob-interfaces.scm)?  It would have no engraver, but I can't see
> that having an engraver is necessary for having a grob description.  And, at
> least as far as I can determine, the things that are altered by \override
> are special context properties called "element descriptions".  I'm not aware
> of any requirement that all descriptions have to have engravers.

How will the engraver access the properties from this grob
description?  AFAIK, the overloaded methods get_property () and
set_property () must have a pointer to a grob which has been created
in an engraver, whereas the context property versions can be called
implicitly (but then they are more limited when it comes to evaluation
since you have to use an explicit scm_call_* for procedures).


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