The \tempoMark example should be completely rewritten to use \tempo
(i.e., MetronomeMark) instead of overriding RehearsalMark -- e.g.,
the first entry should read
mpdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons
5 0)
#:line(#:dynamic "mp" #:text #:italic "dolce" )))
\relative c'' {
\tempo 4=50
a4.\mpdolce d8 cis4--\glissando a | b4 bes a2
\tempo \markup { "Poco piu mosso" }
cis4.\< d8 e4 fis | g8(\! fis)-. e( d)-. cis2
If you do this, all the issues you mention will go away... or, at
least, be transformed into different issues! ;)
Unfortunately, I've got no time to do a patch now -- I've got a huge
commission due in a week *and* a new musical opening three days after
that [!!] -- but hopefully someone will pick up the ball and run with
it, so that this example doesn't continue to mislead readers.
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