The first of the two examples can be replaced by the following, but there's already a similar example available in the NR 1.2.3 "Polymetric notation", below "*/Staves with different time signatures, unequal bar lengths"/*, so I don't really see any point in keeping the example below. Well, at second thought I modified the LSR example to show how to deal with a StaffGroup to get the bracket but not the spanning bar lines, but then it's better to either include that aspect in the example in the NR or to move the example from the NR into an LSR snippet that's included as a snippet in the NR.

\version "2.11.62"

\header {
 texidoc = "
This snippets demonstrates how to handle staff grouping and
synchronizing when typesetting polymetric ensemble music.

 doctitle = "Polymetric section: synchronizing different groups of staves"
%LSR contributed by John Mandereau, Reinhold Kainhofer on an idea by Werner Lemberg.
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff { c'1 c' c'4 }
    \new Staff { \clef bass d4 e f g a1 a4 }
    \new Staff \relative c' { \time 3/4 f8 e f g a4 g2.~ g4 f8 e f4 }
    \new Staff \relative c'' { a2 d, e c c4 }
\layout {
  \context {
    \remove Default_bar_line_engraver
    \remove Timing_translator
  \context {
    \remove Span_bar_engraver
  \context {
    % the order of engravers matters here: e.g. if Timing_translator
    % comes after Default_bar_line_engraver, barlines are messed up.
    \consists Timing_translator
    \consists Default_bar_line_engraver


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Cool! I'm going to run them one more time to be sure, then I'll send you the tarball privately, Valentin.


One snippet won't compile (attached). If someone wants to have a go at it that'd be great. Otherwise I can get to it a bit later today.


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