I played a bit with jEdit's console:

In jEdit Console plugin you need to add

%set GUILE_LOAD_PATH "g:\program files\lilypond\usr\share\guile\1.8"

and then you can start guile from the System Shell.
Unfortunately the LilyPond shell doesn't support the #(top-repl) discussed in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/devel/contrib-guide/Debugging-LilyPond#Debugging-LilyPond

So if you want the guile prompt you need to start LilyPond from the system shell, but not from the bin directory (I don't why it happens, that when you start lilypond.exe from its directory, it doesn't start):

G:\> "g:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond" ${f}

(${f} is substituted automatically with the current buffer's path)

Trevor Daniels wrote:

Henning Plumeyer Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:53 PM

Am 21.06.2009, 02:31 Uhr, schrieb Neil Puttock <n.putt...@gmail.com>:
I also tried that with no success.  Having read the Guile manual, I
thought adding the environment variable GUILE_LOAD_PATH=C:\Program
Files\LilyPond might work, but it doesn't have any effect.

I have an environment variable


and guile works from inside the command prompt and from "Run"

Yes, this (or rather the equivalent location on
my system) works fine on Vista too.  Seems like
we have two reliable ways of making guile work
under Windows now.

Mark, do you want to make a patch for the changes
to LM B which you want to see, or shall I extract
some changes from your note and the various comments?
If you do it, I think we should document both of
these methods for Windows (or three, if we mention
git bash).

Graham, should these be in the CG too?  They are
helpful to Windows users developing Scheme code.


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