On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 04:24:03PM -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hello Joe (et al.),
>> (It's not that I'm afraid of building Lilypond, it's just that  
>> spending three days
>> installing the prerequisites is currently low on my list of  
>> priorities.)
> I've spent about two days trying, and I'm still running into problems  
> which I don't have the time or savvy to decode right now...  =\
> I'd love to give Joe's spacing algos a whirl immediately, but if I have 
> to wait for the next release so be it.

Given that we know it's an improvement, and it's being done by a
very reliable developer, I'm perfectly happy having this merged in
now.  Including it in GUB 2.13 binaries is the only way to reach
widespread testing, after all.

- Graham

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