Mark Polesky wrote:

> Any objections? How close is this to being acceptable? I'll wait for
> approval.

Okay, this is not ready yet. I found a confusing problem. When setting
connectArpeggios to #f after it has been #t, there's some issue with
the unreverted PianoStaff stencil somehow overriding the new Voice
stencil. Or something. I'm not really sure -- it's confusing.

You can see it in action below (note that you need the definitions
from the previous post for this to make sense).

Maybe it's because I'm so tired, but this is so confusing to me that I
feel that anyone who is able to explain this ought to get a special
prize. Unfortunately, I don't have any special prizes to give.

Sometimes computer programming reminds me of this:
Does anyone else feel like this from time to time?
I think I'd feel better if I knew that you guys did!
- Mark

\new PianoStaff \relative <<
  \new Staff {
    <c e g>4\arpeggio
    \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t

    %% bizarre...
    %%   \arpeggioBracket persists in lower staff after setting
    %%   connectArpeggios to #f; \arpeggioArrowUp doesn't do this.

    <c e g>\arpeggio
    \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##f
    <c e g>\arpeggio
  \new Staff {
    \clef bass
    <c, e g>4\arpeggio
    <c e g>\arpeggio
    <c e g>\arpeggio


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