On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 03:22:10PM +1000, Joe Neeman wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 12:24 +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> > There's no protocol for snippets in input/or input/mutopia/*: just edit
> > the snippet, then commit and push when the result looks good to you.
> This is a snippet in Documentation/snippets and it has a few lines at
> the top warning me not to edit it directly...

The general steps are:
1) copy snippet from Documentation/snippets/ to new/
2) remove any non-english texidoc?? items from the \header
3) edit file at will
4) run makelsr.py without arguments

I'm not certain if these steps work at the moment, though.  I
think this would be slightly clearer if we didn't store a ton of
files in Documentation/snippets/ but instead put the in a separate
subdirectory (nobody's going to look through 299 items to notice
the new/ -- OTOH, as long as the CG is clear on this point, there
shouldn't be any problems)

- Graham

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