On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 06:46:35PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Le jeudi 06 août 2009 à 00:08 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> > As for category #2, we already have a great location for pieces of
> > input: the snippets.  If there's anything of educational value in
> > input/, let's put it into LSR.  We don't currently have a
> > "complete pieces" or "long examples" or whatever tag, but I'm sure
> > Valentin would love to add one.  I think it's important that, once
> > users get expectations about the docs+website, we meet those
> > expectations.  One expectation is that examples of input notation
> > are in the Snippets.
> Agreed, but we'll have to think about the way these larger examples
> (many of them are full pieces) should be compiled on LSR and in the
> docs.  In particular for our docs, I'm not sure lilypond-book processing
> is desirable, I'm willing to keep them compiled directly by LilyPond,
> and we'd have a special page in Snippets documents, e.g. generated by an
> updated avatar of mutopia-index.py (the script that generate old
> Examples page).  Thoughts?

I think there's two reasonable possibilities:
1)  Include the images in whatever format the other snippets are.
Maybe as an appendix rather than a "main" chapter in Snippets, but
the essential point is that if somebody's looking at the short
snippets in info, they would also look at the long examples in

This my preference.  My guess is that lilypond-book -- possibly a
hacked lilypond-book with extra handling for long examples (I
don't know what that might entail, since lilypond-book already
works fine for long examples for me) -- would be the easiest way
of doing this.  But if you'd rather investigate custom texinfo
macros and special processing with lilypond directly, I won't

2)  Create pdfs of the long examples, then let each doc format
simply link to those pdfs.

I don't like the old Examples page.

> You already know I'm lazy about renaming directories (one reason is,
> it's so easy to forget someting, for instance did you rename pictures/
> to logo/ in GUB? ;-),

Yeah, that was me.

> and the full pieces snippets should probably in a
> different directory if we don't compile them with lilypond-book.

As long as they exist under Documentation/snippets/  (since they'd
be part of the Snippets manual), I don't have any opinion on
whether they'd be a separate dir or the same dir as the other

One question that AFAIK hasn't been resolved is whether it's
actually worth including long examples.  So far my vote is "no",
but I'm not vetoing it.  I just don't see the educational value of

- Graham

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