I will do it.
Marek Klein

2009/10/26 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>

> Could we get a volunteer to keep track of patches?  The idea is that
> whenever somebody sends a patch, if nobody does anything to it within,
> say, 3 days, you add it to the google issue tracker.  If you already
> read the mailists, I estimate it will take 1 hour each month.
> That's not much time to volunteer, but it could make a *huge*
> difference for new contributors.  It's really discouraging when you
> submit something, nobody replies, and you're left wondering if your
> email client ate the patch or if everybody hates you or something.
> Absolutely no programming skills or understanding of the patch in
> question is required; anybody capable of recognizing the English word
> "patch" can do this job!
> Cheers,
> - Graham
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