For an individual person, lilypond-book can already process html
files, so there is nothing extra needed.

If you want to have it for a multi-user situation like a wiki,
then search for "lilypond wiki" or "mediawiki" or similar terms on
the mailist; it has been discussed before.  Be warned that there
are serious security issues involved -- it is not impossible to
mitigate the risks, but be prepared for an amount of work.

There has been some discussion about developing safer and easier
ways of doing these things, but so far nobody has been seriously
interested.  (I define "seriously interested" as "willing to spend
over 20 hours working on it, not counting time on emails")

If you're seriously interested in such things, then please search
the mailist for "lilypond server" and "safe mode"; you should be
able to get an idea of what's involved.

- Graham

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 06:40:54AM +0900, Ichiro Watanabe wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am new to lilypond.
> I am wondering if there exists an interface like mathtex, for lilypond.
> For those who don't know mathtex, it's a way of embedding rendered TeX
> images directly and easily in an HTML page (and therefore in wikis, in
> blogs etc), through a relatively simple CGI service.
> So, in your web page, you can just type your formula like this
>    <img 
> src="\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}";>
> and voila, the image is rendered and embedded. (You would of course
> prefer to build the service locally and use that, instead of using a
> publicly available service, but that's the idea.)
> I think it's quite clever and neat. You can read the whole story here
> My understanding is that it should not be difficult to implement
> something like this for lilypond. Perhaps through lilypond-book and
> latex, or maybe just via lilypond directly.
> I am keen to develop this (or at least give it a try), but first I
> would like to make sure that I wouldn't be reinventing the wheel.
> Any other input from you guys would also be welcome, of course.
> Thank you, and anyway thanks for this superlative tool.
> Ichiro
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