> The only two problems I've yet to resolve are how to share files
> with my Windows host

Create a directory in windows for that, let's say d:\Share
Then you go in VirtualBox, click on the virtual machine name and in
the menu "Machine/Preferences".
Here you find shared directories where you can add d:\Share.
In ubuntu now, you need to mount the shared disk. For this, you can
create a mount point:
$ mkdir /mnt/Share
then add the following line to /etc/fstab:

Share           /mnt/Share      vboxsf  defaults 0 0

> and how to make the Ubuntu screen larger.  I
> can activate fullscreen, but all it does is place a same-sized
> Ubuntu window in the middle of a full-screen one.

When the virtual machine is running, click in the menu "Devices" (in
French Périphériques...) then Install host additions.
This will mount a virtual CD that you then can find in /media/cdrom.
Open a terminal and type:
$ cd /media/cdrom
$ sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run
type you password, wait a while.
When finished, unmount the virtual CD: type:
$ cd
to go back to your home directory.
Then right click on the CD icon on the desktop and "unmount".
Then in "Device" menu: eject optical disk.
Then you can restart your virtual machine.
Next time when you change your window size, the desktop will adapt
itself to the new size.


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